This website follows an in-progress endeavor whose main goal is to use digital, three dimensional visualization, combined with live action, to realistically portray the only well-documented and officially recognized battle between a U.S. Navy blimp (K-74) and a German U-Boat (U-134) on July 18-19, 1943 in the Florida Straits. Our goal is to depict this historic event starting with the launch of the K-74 from the Naval Air Station, Richmond, Florida through the events of the astounding battle between these two vessels, to the recovery of most of its crew from the waters of the Florida Straits. The reference and research for this project is taken from scholarly works on the subject, interviews with involved personnel, actual crew members of the airships, and experts in the field, as well as various official records. Even with all the information available about this incident, not every detail is known and there are still many questions that remain. The K-74 Airship Project hopes to bring this event to a wider audience and act as a forum about this historic and largely ignored incident of WWII, as well as stories of other K ships and their crews, along with detailed technical info on the airships and their operations. This website will build its content slowly and in stages. Visitors will first see very basic and raw renderings and animations as various components are created and perfected for the animation. Eventually, as these components are developed, more elements will be featured in this website including a message board or public feedback area, acknowledgments for those dedicated people who lived this history or keep it alive, and a bibliography of sorts. For now, contact us via e-mail at our airships e-mail address... NOTE: The K-74 and all 3D model used in all these images and animations is in ongoing development. It'll be added to and upgraded as we reach various stages and milestones. Many of the animations and images no these pages are all developmental in nature. Authenticity in actual details will be strictly observed as we work toward our finals. |
The History: A very, very short synopsis The chapter summaries below outline only the most basic events. Details of the incident will be revealed in the actual animation as it evolves and in due course on this website. Chapter 1. |
Chapter 2. At 2340, the K-74 gets a radar contact at a range of eight miles. As the airship approaches the source of the radar contact, 500 feet below them, a wake is observed. The K-74 is maneuvered to stay "down moon" from the vessel making the wake. A submarine is spotted on the surface traveling at a heading of 220 degrees true north. Battle stations is called aboard the K-74. A determination must be made as to whether the submarine is friendly or not. The K-74 withdraws, circling wide into cloud cover. Visual contact with the submarine is lost. |
Chapter 3. Circling wide, and staying off "down moon" the K-74 again spots the sub whose identity is still not yet known conclusively. With the gunner in his front turret ready at his .50 cal. machine gun, and the bombardier at his Type L-21-A bomb release, the K-74 begins a bombing run on the unknown vessel at 250-feet altitude. Only by firing on the airship will the unknown submarine reveal itself as a German U-Boat. The K-74 will then respond with her weapons. |
Chapter 4. |
Chapter 5. The crew abandons the sinking airship as the control car fills with water. Grills throws sinks a weighted satchel of classified material into the water. The crewmen get separated into two groups and as Grills swims back to the control car to retrieve a pistol, he is subsequently separated from his men, and begins a swim 20 miles back towards land. Stessel the bombardier, is attacked by a shark and succumbs to the injuries. By about 0945, the next morning, the men are rescued. Eventually, Grills is spotted by the K-32 and rescued by Subchaser 657 and the USS Dahlgren. |
Some random images follow... | NOTE: The K-74 3D model used in all these test images and animations isn't final. |
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<<-- 28 MAR 08 - The U-134 in the water. This is the water that will be used in the animations. Movies soon!
<<-- Click on this image and you'll get another look at the sub in a bigger image. |
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<<-- 23 MAR 08 - This VII C sub has been revised to play the U-134 that the K-74 engaged in battle. Note the addition of the 'Wintergarten'. That's the 2nd rear gun deck behind the conn tower. Made a LOT of improvements to this model. When it's textured and properly lighted, it'll look even better than the previous textured render. (See image with green background below)
<<-- Click on this image and you'll get another look at the sub in a bigger image. |
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<<-- 23 MAR 08 - This VII C sub has been revised to play the U-134 that the K-74 engaged in battle. Note the addition of the 'Wintergarten'. That's the 2nd rear gun deck behind the conn tower. Made a LOT of improvements to this model. When it's textured and properly lighted, it'll look even better than the previous textured render. (See image with green background below)
<<-- Click on this image and you'll get another look at the sub in a bigger image. |
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<<-- 23 MAR 08 - This VII C sub has been revised to play the U-134 that the K-74 engaged in battle. Note the addition of the 'Wintergarten'. That's the 2nd rear gun deck behind the conn tower. Made a LOT of improvements to this model. When it's textured and properly lighted, it'll look even better than the previous textured render. (See image with green background below)
<<-- Click on this image and you'll get another look at the sub in a bigger image. |
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<<-- 16 MAR 08 - This VII C sub will be revised to play the U-134 that the K-74 engaged in battle. The rear of the conn tower is different and one of the guns has to removed as far as I know right now. -A.C.
<<-- Click on this image and you'll get another look at the sub in a bigger image. |